Don’t Self-Sabotage Your Entrepreneurial Dream

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Self-sabotage kills the corporate-to-entrepreneur dream. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen to you.

The Secret

Self-sabotage is the primary reason we remain trapped in our (often self-created) cages.

Leveraging my experience and 5+ years of helping clients, I've identified how self-sabotage blocks corporate professionals from building entrepreneurial freedom.

Avoid these 11 dream killers:

1) Analysis Paralysis

  • You analyze every angle without taking action
  • You freeze up and overthink every pro/con
  • Excessive skepticism stomps out possibility

2) Passive Income Fantasies

  • Lured by real estate, franchises, e-courses
  • This is NOT actually "passive" work at all
  • Don't settle for income streams that drain you (and take too long)

3) Corporate Doppelgänger

  • You replicate the job you’re “done” with
  • Recycling old skills without new safety nets
  • Challenge yourself to new heights already!

4) Genius Neglect

  • Your unique value goes far beyond your resume
  • Discover your hidden superpowers and talents
  • Direct your one-of-a-kind genius to serve others

5) Crappy Biz Models

  • Trading time for money is an exhausting trap
  • Centralize your zone of genius in the business
  • Design for maximum leverage and ease (online)

6) Commodity Positioning

  • You blend in and look like "one of many"
  • Boring messaging puts prospects to sleep
  • Lack of uniqueness kills your results

7) Diversification Disaster

  • Focus intensely on ONE core offer first
  • Do not prematurely diversify your efforts
  • 1 category, 1 dream client, 1 high-ticket offer

8) Lone Wolf Syndrome

  • Trying to learn everything alone will never cut it
  • Isolation and lack of support are toxic
  • Invest in your entrepreneurial "tribe" & community

9) Perfection Procrastination

  • Don't wait until you feel 100% "ready"
  • Rapid experimentation and shipping are vital
  • Take daily imperfect action and get feedback

10) Shiny Object Seduction

  • Stay ruthlessly focused on your ONE thing
  • Don't get distracted by every bright, shiny object
  • Maintain laser focus (for longer than you’re comfortable)

11) No Accountability

  • We all require structured mentoring and coaching
  • Need outcome-driven support and accountability
  • External accountability breeds results

Don't let self-sabotage kill your dream.

👉 Respond if you feel inspired: which dream killer stands out the most and why?

PS - Ready to build your post-corporate future? Book a Breakthrough Session.



122: Resumes to Riches

Your resume: a cage or a key?

Roles, skills, and experiences can entrap us if we let them.

Here, we discuss a counterintuitive shift that allows you to finally view your resume, not as a qualifier, but as a launchpad to a life of freedom, impact, and fulfillment.

That’s it for today, my friend! I appreciate you.


Uncaged Secrets

Battle-tested strategies for Corporate Graduation™. Use your superpowers to build an online business you love and smartly exit the 9-5 grind without jeopardizing your income or family. Do it for freedom, income, and impact.

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