Your freedom vehicle

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Hey Reader,

I know you’re craving freedom right now.

But it feels elusive — as though every move you’ve made is insufficient.

Let’s clarify the path forward today.

The Secret

The world sold me lies as a kid.

That everything I could ever want would come from picking a "good" career path and following the rules.

You might've been sold similar lies. That's why you're reading this now.

But we both know nothing could be further from the truth. Endless promotions and token raises never lead to freedom. Only deeper entrapment.

We were taught to chase the piece-parts of freedom — money, house, prestige.

But real freedom is holistic. It's both internal and external.

Internal Freedom: You feel untouchable and in control

External Freedom: You've got options in your physical reality

We want holistic freedom. But how?

The Passive Income Trap

Maybe you’re stuck in a corporate job that’s overrunning your life.

Your logical mind says, “Money will free me.”

So you dive into passive income - real estate, boring businesses, franchises, whatever.

But passive income takes forever to generate sufficient cash flow. And it has nothing to do with your innate genius.

Worst of all, you still feel empty.

Day job burnout + side hustle burnout = double burnout.

For someone in your shoes, passive income seems like the promised land. But it's just another mirage that keeps you stuck.

(It has its time and place — we’ll get to that later.)

Freedom Principles

1) Choose a vision, not a path

Define a career and life vision that lights you up. Plug-and-play systems will never fulfill you.

2) Make your employer your investor

Use your corporate gig to create runway and fund your freedom.

3) Monetize your genius, not your time

Your genius = your interests, talents, and everything you’ve ever overcome.

Your Freedom Vehicle

To graduate corporate life, build an active income business aligned with your purpose and genius.

“No rich person ever who built wealth fast had low active income.” — Ryan Pineda

Specifically, create an Online Transformational Business.

This means you:

  • Package your unique genius
  • Serve people you care about
  • Solve a high-impact problem for them
  • Guide them to dramatic positive change
  • Do it online for leverage and lifestyle freedom

Example businesses my clients are building right now:

  1. Helping tech startups navigate into the U.S. Defense market
  2. Guiding small home improvement contractors to modernize for lucrative exits
  3. Awakening overlooked project managers to rapidly become transformational leaders

This transforms not just your clients' lives, but your own. It’s self-discovery and self-development.

As you build it, downshift your corporate role even more. Your Transformational Business becomes the main gig.

After investing over $150K and the last 10 years of my life in entrepreneurial mentors, coaches, programs, and experimentation, this is the most life-changing and fulfilling vehicle I know of for someone in your position.

It’ll also provide the funds for all those logical passive income plays you want to make (which I agree with—in the right sequence).

You’ll also experience a personal renaissance — more time for family, growth, and adventures, better health, deeper connections, and profound fulfillment.

Build an Online Transformational Business.

This is your freedom vehicle.

​PS - Watch the how-to training here.​



119: The Riskiest Choice of All

Safety. Freedom. Which will you pursue?

There's obviously a balance to strike.

But if you're "done" with corporate life, you don't want to miss this life-changing perspective.

That’s it for today, my friend! I appreciate you.


Uncaged Secrets

Battle-tested strategies for Corporate Graduation™. Use your superpowers to build an online business you love and smartly exit the 9-5 grind without jeopardizing your income or family. Do it for freedom, income, and impact.

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