The riskiest choice of all

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Two paths. Which will you choose?

The Secret

Safety. Freedom.

Your inner voice won’t shut up.

“I want to own my time.”
“I want to do work I love.”
“I want to inspire my kids.”

So you endlessly research the “how.”

But when it's time to act, you freeze.

Logic wins.

Years zip by as you're stuck in analysis paralysis.

The "safe" path pulls you back, despite your dreams.

Don't kid yourself. Choosing the status quo has hidden dangers.

You risk your:

  • Potential
  • Purpose
  • Pride

Truth: there's no escaping risk.

(You’re always risking something.)

But playing it safe? This may be the greatest risk of all.

In clinging to the illusion of "security," you'll only find mediocrity and regret. Tick tock, the clock is running out...

Craving freedom? Look at your behavior patterns.

It’s a constant loop of:

✘ Delay

✘ Deferral

✘ Deliberation

These default behaviors = the kiss of death.

What to do instead?

Choose better risks.

Not recklessness. But:

  • Committing to opportunities you’ve ignored
  • Choosing your future self and your family
  • Summoning the courageous part of you

It’s just taking a new type of chance.

Imagine what’s possible if you said “yes” today.

You know where safety and sleepwalking lead.

Safety or freedom: which risks are you choosing?

​PS - Grab your Breakthrough Session to choose better risks.



118: My Top Lessons in Graduating Corporate Life

I’ve been on this entrepreneurial journey for nearly a decade and have been out of corporate for the last two years.

Here, I’m sharing my top 12 lessons learned in shifting from corporate to entrepreneurship.

That’s it for today, my friend! I appreciate you.


Uncaged Secrets

Battle-tested strategies for escaping the Corporate Cage and using your superpowers to build entrepreneurial freedom (career & life). Leveraging 15 years in strategy consulting to build a 7-figure lifestyle business and give my family the life they deserve.

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