When "Sensible" No Longer Made Sense

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Ever feel like you’re living purely with your head? While ignoring your heart?

Well then, today’s essay is a must-read for you.

The Secret

Like many, I fully bought into the Logical Life.

I studied diligently to ace every test. I picked a mainstream major to land a “good” corporate job. I worked tirelessly up the ladder, always plotting my next savvy career move.

Outside of work, I made all the “smart” choices.

  • I saved aggressively for retirement
  • I invested in “passive” assets like real estate
  • I chose "providing" for family as my solemn duty
  • I married a partner because it made sense on paper

This Logical Life had benefits. It led to security and stability. My family enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle thanks to my earnings. AND Every LinkedIn celebration boosted my ego.

But over time, the void inside me grew. My work felt increasingly meaningless — just creating better PowerPoints. I became short-tempered and withdrawn at home as I devoted all my energy to getting ahead.

I had optimized my Logical Life for status and savings, but neglected my relationships, passions, and wellbeing.

In my mid-30s, worn down and unfulfilled, I discovered a new perspective from coaches and peers who urged me to live from the heart.

The Logical Life provided a great foundation for myself and my family. I’m grateful for that season.

But feeling capped and trapped, I knew I had to take drastic action.

Terrifying as it seemed, I started declining logical moves in favor of the heart:

  • I invested in coaching (not my 401k)
  • I chose morning well-being (not 8AM meetings)
  • I published authentic content (not bland whitepapers)
  • I hung with inspiring entrepreneurs (not corporate hustlers)

Eventually, I left my logical corporate career to launch a business focused on helping other professionals build entrepreneurial freedom through love and service. Today, this work lights me up in ways I never dreamed of.

At home, I’m more connected and energized with my family, making powerful memories together.

Looking back, I left the Logical Life and chose the Wholehearted Life.

The Logical Life provided a jumpstart; the Wholehearted Life gives me purpose.

The Logical Life brought safety; the Wholehearted Life brings impact.

I don’t regret the Logical Life foundations I built. But unchecked, that lifestyle starved my soul.

If you feel empty chasing someone else’s dream, pay attention. Your heart is your second brain, giving you powerful signals. Listen to it.

Find the bravery to commit to your Wholehearted Life — cultivate it relentlessly.

You won’t recognize your world once you activate this part of you.



106: Filling That Professional Hole in Your Heart:

Do you feel a gnawing professional hole in your heart?

Your career once filled you up, but now you're trapped and making no impact.

You might've tried the "freedom through passive income" route, but it's not truly passive and it felt like a second job.

So, the professional hole remains. Darkness floods your days.

It's time to:

  1. Cultivate your passion
  2. Identify your superpowers
  3. Start a business that fully expresses YOU

Something you own (and love) needs to be part of your professional portfolio.

You don't need to escape corporate — make it an investor in this critical new venture.

Stop feeling capped and trapped. Make your maximum impact with a business you love.

That’s it for today, my friend! I appreciate you.


Uncaged Secrets

Battle-tested strategies for escaping the Corporate Cage and using your superpowers to build entrepreneurial freedom (career & life). Leveraging 15 years in strategy consulting to build a 7-figure lifestyle business and give my family the life they deserve.

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