The Silent "Speed" Assassin

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You want faster progress toward big goals: graduating corporate, building wealth, living your dream lifestyle. But invisible friction is destroying your momentum.

Keep reading to identify and annihilate this stealth force that's stealing your speed — so you rapidly manifest your ambitious vision.

The Secret

"Speed to outcome" was king in my consulting days.

Fortune 500 clients were laser-focused on it. They needed to hit targets, strengthen the enterprise, and satisfy shareholders.

This fixation on speed also extends into our personal lives.

We want desired outcomes ASAP.

Maybe that’s:

  • Healthier marriage
  • Purposeful career
  • Lovely new home
  • Stronger body

We crave "better,” faster.

So how can we accelerate progress?

You've likely heard: "Slow down to speed up."

Lots of merit in that idea. We all need more:

  • Stillness
  • Patience
  • Focus

But more powerful?

Removing friction.

Your friction might be:

  • Self-doubt
  • Endless meetings
  • Naysayers saying, "play it safe"

This friction creates drag, draining momentum and energy. We must eliminate it.

Years ago, I realized I had to remove friction to put my intense corporate job on autopilot, while aggressively building a business and raising a large family.

My coaches taught me to concentrate my energy on “cutting friction.”

If you feel drained or stuck, reducing friction should be your top priority.

Removing friction means creating space — time, energy, mental capacity.

Without space, transformation is nearly impossible. (This is where I start with all my clients in Uncaged Life Design).

Scan every area — where is the friction? How can you delete or minimize it immediately?

When friction fades, your path opens wide. Like an aerodynamic race car with no drag, you'll rapidly manifest meaningful outcomes.

Remove friction. Create space. Fly like the wind.

PS - Need help? Start here.



124: Success in Reverse

Our natural inclination is that freedom and happiness come later — after we put in significant work.

But what if the opposite were true?

This strategy will radically accelerate your path to entrepreneurial freedom.

That’s it for today, my friend! I appreciate you.


Uncaged Secrets

Battle-tested strategies for Corporate Graduation™. Use your superpowers to build an online business you love and smartly exit the 9-5 grind without jeopardizing your income or family. Do it for freedom, income, and impact.

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